5642 Vysota (Height): Culinary Trip to Caucasus
There are more than ten new tasty positions at 5642 Vysota restaurant. Cold green soup with matsoni (290 rubles), ideal in the summer heat is offered in the author’s interpretation of Chef Vladimir Bogozhavets.

Looking through a chapter with starters, you’d better to choose Baku eggplant baked on charcoal with chopped lamb sauce and Kabardian spices (690 rubles). The Chef decided to “hide” traditional Georgian dish chkapuli – stewed lamb with estragon, cilantro and white dry wine – in khinkali and to serve with aromatic broth (390 rubles per 4 pc). By the way, this good combination already has many followers. Just like kartofships (670 rubles), Kabardian dish with house chicken, sour cream and young potatoes which is brought to the restaurant from Nalchik.

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