Traveling Menu at Gayane’s & Panayekhali Restaurants
On May 10th the summer menu from Gayane Breiova will be introduced to Gayane’s Panayekhali Restaurants. She mixed spices from all over the world in new dishes and as a result, there is a mix of Armenian and Asian cuisines.
Gayane adds curcuma and Tom Yam pasta to Armenian matzoon and serves it as a sauce for meat balls made of Armenian kyufta (selected beef), while meat balls are served in crispy lavash wonton (530 rubles).
The summer offer contains also spring rolls. Selection of kyufta, prunes and walnuts, lobio and pomegranate, herbs and dried tomatoes (480 rubles) – all this is incredibly tasty!
Gayane’s Chef Tamara Garanyan represents classical dishes of Armenian cuisine loved by all: salad with Armenian herbs, fried tomatoes, matzoon and curcuma sauce and walnuts (250 rubles); cold matzoon soup with cucumbers, wild cilantro and mint (190 rubles). And here we can see Gayane's style as curcuma is mixed with Armenian herbs and mint is placed in matzoon.
While Panayekhali Chef Ruslan Akhmedov has a man's approach for the summer season: he cooks duck leg with tiramisu and parsnip cream (480 rubles) and beef steak with baked apple, mulberry and cloudberry sauce (700 rubles).

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