New Scottish Food At Lawson's Bar Restaurant
Redaktor, 25 May 2015
The first Scottish bar in Moscow is hurrying up to perform new dishes to the audience. The changes are concerned almost all sections of the new fashionable Scottish cuisine at Lawson's Bar: from light cold appetizers to rich hot courses.
For example, it is worth
trying to start from the meat bread made of beef and chicken with Scotch. For
the second pinta we go for hot courses and starters: here you may try familiar
Corn Dog originally from New England and so popular reindeer Meat Balls with
berry sauce, also rabbit leg stewed with leek and herbs as Cardiff city-dwellers like most of all. Fish-lovers
will not be left out either: grilled blue tuna with scalded vegetables and
sesame (760 rubles) – it is very tasty!

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