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New Meat Menu At Il Forno Restaurants

Redaktor, 23 September 2015

This autumn Il Forno restaurants decided to offer the guests a lot of meat. Steaks take a special place in the particular autumn menu.

There are a few kinds of steaks, such as T-bone (609 rub./100g), famous for its rich and bright taste, juicy and soft striploin (599 rub./100g) and Dallas steak or rib eye on the bone (699 rub./100g). You may choose a sauce for each dish: hot pepper, mustard, cranberry or Guacamole sauce with avocado.

Lamb brisket (1379 rub.) is definitely worth trying: first, it’s fried with garlic and rosemary and then it’s stewed with herbs during 8 hours. So, the meat gets tender, soft and juicy. As a side dish, you may order couscous made in boiling broth. Also feel free to take selection of lamb that includes a few kinds of steaks (2199 rub.). The dish is served with Svan salt and a warm crispy flapjack. Chopped steak is made of marble  beef with potato cream, fresh black truffle and Demi-glace sauce (989 rub.).


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