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Nut Menu At Projector Restobar

Redaktor, 19 November 2015

The chef of the Projector Restaurant Maxim Myasnikov keeps experiments with nuts. Chestnuts and hazelnuts seem to become a good base for a soup, a hot course and a dessert.

The most traditional dish of the nut month of November is a soup-puree with chestnuts. However, the old French recipe has been completely re-worked as a multi-step procedure includes butter, brandy, leek and copious broth. A veal brisket with hazelnuts puree may also boast with an unusual gamma of tastes.

The nut set is completed with a chestnut tarte with black chocolate and currant sorbet. The chef barman Artem Ushakov also offers two new positions with nuts: nutmeg Raf coffee, pecan dressed with nus and chestnut milkshake.

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