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Autumn In SAVVA Restaurant — Time or Good News

Redaktor, 30 October 2015

The news number one: the menu has been updated and the culinary course has changed. From now onwards SAVVA is not specializing in author’s Nordic cuisine but a fresh view to Russian culinary traditions with elements of eye-catching Nordic and polished French techniques.
In the menu there are more soups and hot starters and a desserts card has changed together with a selection of vegetarian dishes. Fish, poultry and root vegetables – this is the basis for a new seasonal programme from Andrey Shmakov.  
The news number two: the attic where was situated an open chef’s bar, has been turned into a ground for thematic enogastronomic evenings directed by the SAVVA brand-chef Andrey Shmakov and the restaurant sommelier Vitaliy Muzychenko. Evenings and tasting events take place every Thursday and Friday.

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