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Autumn Harvest At Nani Restaurant

Redaktor, 6 November 2015

The Nani restaurant chef Elena Dikovskaya prepared hot offers for the guests. As usual in autumn, the main role is played by pumpkin in this season.

Lamb is baked in pumpkin (640 rub.). Mini-pumpkins are used for individual portions and “carriages for Cinderellas” have been stored in the kitchen for big groups of friends.

As for the rest of the menu, its diversity has been especially remarked. There are such dishes as duck fillet with couscous and ginger sauce (620 rub.) and warm salad with prawns (470 rub.). You will find also pork ears aspic with kindzmari sauce (550 rub.), a roll with pastirma and beef (410 rub.), warm mushroom caviar (510 rub.) and sterlet baked in the oven (1550 rub.). It’s worth mentioning unusual Georgian classical dishes, such as veal chashushuli (590 rub.) and red lobio with smoked meat in lavash (430 rub.).

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