Spring Update At FORNETTO Restaurants
The chain of cafe-pizzerias FORNETTO offers a spring menu.
The updated card o dishes includes beef tartar with homemade aromatic bread (629 rubles); anti-pasta Italiano served on wooden board (879 rubles); Arabiata pasta in hot homemade sauce (459 rubles); Penne with chopped lamb fillet (649 rubles); grilled dorado on cast iron frying pan (899 rubles); buckwheat risotto with veal tongue, spinach and dried tomatoes (559 rubles).
The chapter “Beer snacks” has been also updated: crispy shrimps with French fries served in a new way (599 rubles), nuggets Cornflakes with Barbecue sauce (549 rubles). Among new positions it's worth trying Fish & Сhips – sea bass and potatoes deep fried (699 rubles).
And there is a new chapter “Gigante pizza” - it's a huge (50 cm) tasty and aromatic Italian pizza.

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